New residency: GLOW Newcastle and Hawthorn Primary School

Themes: Listen Up, Pass the Mic!  Play, Lead and Communicate

Photo credit: Photo by Volodymyr Hryschenko on Unsplash

Listen Up, Pass the Mic!  Play, Lead and Communicate

Deadline: 01/05/2024

Glow, Newcastle’s Cultural Education Partnership and Hawthorn Primary School are seeking artists or cultural practitioners working in Newcastle upon Tyne’s creative industries for a classroom-based residency.

This residency will support an artist or cultural organisation to lead a co-creation project with pupils from Years 3 and 4 and their teaching teams.  It will include family workshops and delivery of a staff CPD session growing out of themes and approaches which emerge from the residency.

Fee and timescales:

20 half days @ £3000 to be scheduled in agreement with the resident artist, Newcastle College and Glow, Newcastle.  This residency will run across the summer and autumn terms, finishing in November.

The fee includes travel to and from the school.


Glow, Newcastle and Hawthorn Primary School have created this residency to enable children from Years 3-4 to plan and lead their own co-creative project based around communication, leadership, listening up and speaking out.  

We are seeking an artist or cultural practitioner with experience of developing participatory projects alongside primary aged children, which allow them to explore and grow their communication skills as well as their emotional and restorative learning in fun and creative ways.  

Key outcomes for this residency will be:

  • Finding fun and value in listening to each other
  • Planning and running a project together 
  • Feeling included and including others
  • Accepting responsibility and empowering each other
  • Speaking up and expressing opinions in mutually supportive ways
  • Celebrating successes and managing when things don’t go as planned
  • Creative journaling 

The work created will be celebrated and shared with the school community, Glow, Newcastle staff and other stakeholders, and feature in Glow, Newcastle’s city-wide celebration of our creative partnership outputs later in the year.

We’d love to hear from artists or cultural organisations who:

  • have worked with primary aged children on co-creative, participatory projects 
  • actively explore ways to enhance effective communication skills in their practice
  • can demonstrate an understanding of and approaches to supporting young children to:
    • grow their listening and communication skills, valuing each others’ contributions
    • develop their own creative projects to deliver to their peers
    • build their confidence in speaking up and knowing when to listen
    • nurture and deepen their understanding of emotional learning  

Current enhanced DBS for child workforce and Limited Liability Insurance are essential for all applicants.  



Stage 1  – summer term 2024

  • Planning briefing with Hawthorn Primary School staff project leads and Glow, Newcastle producer Ann Winter
  • Schedule agreed
  • Co-creation project begins
    • Meet pupil Arts Ambassadors and gather ideas
    • Plan initial approaches and what might be achieved
    • Deliver initial staff-wide CPD based on themes and ideas emerging from these initial sessions and early project aims
    • Facilitate family workshops, engaging parents and carers in the early stages of the project

Stage 2 – Sept – Nov 2024

  • Classroom sessions, co-delivered with teaching teams and Arts Ambassadors
  • Ongoing CPD with teaching teams
  • Family workshops

Stage 3  – Nov 2024

  • Celebration event sharing the output of this project with parents and carers, the wider school community and Glow, Newcastle staff and stakeholders.

Application and Interview Process

  • Submit an expression of interest highlighting your interest in this opportunity, your CV and two professional references to Glow, Newcastle Producer Ann Winter by 01/05/2024 
  • Include a portfolio of previous work and relevant links and / or social media handles where relevant.  Please ensure any portfolios are sent as pdfs and under 5MB to Ann 
  • Candidates will be shortlisted and invited to interview on the afternoon of 09/05/2024

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