What we do

GLOW Newcastle works in partnership with education settings, cultural organisations, artist practitioners and more to create opportunities for children and young people to experience and engage in making art and culture.

We work in partnership with the city’s education sector and with a range of other public and voluntary sector partners to ensure children and young people develop and share their creativity within and beyond their communities.

Artist residencies

We facilitate artist residencies in education settings, giving children and young people the opportunity to participate directly in arts and culture and to connect with artists and cultural organisations.

Creative Careers

Our aim is for young people in Newcastle to see working in our creative and cultural industries as a real and viable career path, irrespective of background or economic status. We do this through careers workshops and our online Creative Careers Gallery.

Continuous Professional Development

GLOW Newcastle provides teacher and practitioner CPD to seed long-term, self-sustaining cultural engagement and promote personal wellbeing. We advocate for high quality cultural education in schools, and run programmes which encourage children to see a career in creative practice or the cultural industries as a real and viable opportunity, irrespective of personal background or economic status.

Creating Connections

Through our #GlowTogether network and our events we connect individuals across Newcastle’s creative, cultural, education, youth and health sectors.

Past Programmes


External production

GLOW Newcastle outsources production expertise to cultural and educational organisations keen to increase youth participation in creative projects.

Tyneside Cinema MOBOFringe 2025 #MOBO2025 Newcastle

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