“Our #InspiredBy project led by Sue Loughlin really boosted teacher confidence and raised the profile of art again in school. It contributed hugely to teacher wellbeing, and each teacher used their learning from Sue’s CPD sessions to co-create a sculpture with their class as a result.” Ashley McCluskey, Kingston Park Primary School in partnership with Sue Loughlin
“I felt more confident after my session as I accomplished my goal of saying my line. I loved it.” pupil at Grange First School
“I think the exciting thing is all the schools went off on a different journey. We explored Pop Art, which the children absolutely loved. We went to the Hatton Gallery which we hadn’t been to before, so now we have a relationship with them and we’ll go back regularly.” Liz Simpson, Knop Law Primary School in partnership with John Quinn.
“The children in the intervention group were so excited about how it went for them and the teachers were really pleased.“ Liz Bamber, Brunton First School, in partnership with Unfolding Theatre.
“I really liked No Voice Too Small they were so kind and inspiring. When the video got recorded I was really shy but they were all really happy and didn’t do a face at me so I carried on and luckily did it! I really enjoyed it and liked it.” Y4 child at Gosforth Park Primary School.
Despite lockdown limitations and changing Covid restrictions, #Inspiredby established partnerships with outstanding local artists and cultural institutions and 22 schools across Newcastle. It’s a record we’re really proud of.
Here are some of our #Inspiredby projects:
Artist and sculptor Sue Loughlin partnering with 4 schools across the SMART Academy Trust in Newcastle.
Multi-disciplinary artist John Quinn partnering with 8 schools across the Outer West Learning Trust.
Unfolding Theatre partnering with South Gosforth First School and 5 schools across The Gosforth Schools Trust.
Artist and Sculptor Sophie Crocker at Cragside Primary School.
If your organisation would like to work with Glow, please get in touch via our contact page or email office@glow-newcastle.co.uk.